A savant is a person with an overall ability level extremely low but who excels in one specific area, for example memorizing populations of cities by simply reading them once but otherwise, mentally impaired. We saw examples of savants like George who can calculate the day of the week of any date in seconds; he is a prodigious savant who knows things they have never learned, his brain works completely different than ours. The different types of savants are gifted and prodigious. Kim, the most famous savant in whom the movie rain man was based, has memorized nine thousand books. This is amazing, most people can’t even read 9 thousand books but he memorized them. All the information that goes inside his brain stays there. Kim reads this fast because one eye reads one page whiles the other eye reads the next one. It may be that some savants are not able to tie their shoes or even talk, but these persons have amazing brains with amazing abilities that no one else could even imagine to have.
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