Synesthesia: Synesthesia is an involuntary condition in which the information of one sense is perceived at the same time as if by one or more additional senses, it can be described as the senses being cross wired.

grapheme-color synesthesia: The condition in which on perceives a color while looking at a letter, a word, or a number. Tests made on patients with this type of synesthesia show extra activations in the fusiform gyrus, which is known to be involved in color and word processing.

ordinal-linguistic personification: An automatic tendency to attribute animate-like qualities, such as personality and gender, to sequential linguistic units such as days, letters, months, numerals, etc.

number-form synesthesia: The condition in which a mental map of numbers appears whenever the person is thinking about numbers, its believed this is a result of “cross-activation” between some parts of the parietal lobe.

sound-color synesthesia: In thus type of synesthesia, patients experience color as a response to music, when the music plays, colors relative to the tones or instruments appear. Patients are also able to see color from ordinary sounds such as the chirp of a bird.
lexical-gustatory synesthesia: When the patient can actually taste a word by saying it or thinking about it; each word has a unique taste just like food.

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