It has come to my attention that dreams have a huge impact on our lives when we are awake and conscious; they have the power to alter our decisions or cause us to create new ones. While dreaming we can also solve different types problems we are experiencing in our daily lives since our dreams usually depend on the events that occurred previously that day. Dreams can be so vivid and terrifying or so happy and exciting that one while sleeping can actually be moving around acting out whatever they’re dreaming. Although, this factor can negatively affect a person’s life and the life of his or her partner. A man who is aggressive during sleep, as the example shown in the video, makes it impossible for his wife to sleep next to him. This is called REM sleep disorder where the part of the brain that disables them to move during REM is not working as it should. Dreams are a kind of search for the truths that we’re unable to find while awake. I believe that dreams have motivation; they provide us the privacy to run wild and do the things that most of the time while awake we yearn to do but can’t because of the ball and chain of reality that keeps us down to earth.
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